The power of touch: Reiki in times of Covid-19

Sometimes you just sense it, when your life is about to change: This is definitely one of those life changing experiences.

I have been meaning to explore, experience and study a healing art called “Reiki” for a long time, but I wanted to wait for the “right moment”. I believe in divine timing and the universe’s magic to reveal the teacher to me.

It took a while, but eventually that teacher appeared: Hannah Arnold was recommend to me by my dear friend and yoga teacher Alexa Posh during a time (Covid-19), during which I had suddenly enough time and space for a new chapter to begin. Hannah is such a beautiful, kind and powerful woman and healer - from the inside out- I could feel it the moment I first heard her voice.

Our first virtual meeting was quite bumpy. I missed our first scheduled call, which is unlike myself as I’m usually very organized and always on time!

But for some reason, it had totally slipped my mind which I obviously apologized for. When Hannah communicated in a very kind and clear way what her boundaries were and how seriously she takes her work and time, something clicked. This was exactly what I wanted to learn from her in that moment - to be kind, clear and professional in my personal life and career. That was my first learning on my new journey to become a Reiki practitioner.

Now, five months later, I’m excited and proud to share my offerings as a Reiki practitioner, while I continue my ongoing studies with Hannah on Reiki Level two. I’m stunned and inspired by the beautiful and magical effects of this energy healing art and I’m happy to share it with anyone who is interested.

But what is Reiki exactly?

As my teacher says, Reiki is basically unconditional love and a way of life.

It is an energy healing art, that has been passed on from teacher to student over the past century. This Japanese technique originates from the traditional Usui style to reduce stress, relax and promote inner healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed. If it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Why it works for me and might work for you:

I always believed in the power of touch. A gentle touch to let someone know you are there for them, a big hug for a person you dearly love, a soothing rocking motion for a child, a passionate touch and kiss by your lover and so on. There are so many ways you can share love and truly connect with another being through touch.

I simply wanted to continue and expand the work with my hands, and this is when Reiki came into my life. It simply found me and I’m truly grateful for this experience.The magic of a gentle touch transmitting Reiki energy is deeply powerful especially in 2020: Social distancing has become the new normal, and touching, hugging and being close to each other is not recommended - and often not allowed!

Body and energy work is even more powerful and necessary than it ever was. As the phrase goes: energy flows where attention/ consciousness goes. Hands are considered to be the extension of the heart- and since current events make connecting closely on a physical level impossible, I cannot wait to share the magic of touch again soon. Until then, I am excited to share a different approach:

What is DISTANT REIKI HEALING? And what can I expect from a session done remotely?

Distance Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time - though permission should be granted prior to starting the session. By sending healing Reiki energy across time and space, it can clear blockages from someone’s past, as well as perform Reiki on someone who is not physically present.

Distance Reiki works according to an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity: We are all connected, as we are all made of every part of a larger whole. Invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient. As a Yogini and Reiki practitioner, I believe in life force energy, otherwise known as prana, chi or qi, that flows through each and every living being. Distance Reiki is one of many ways to link and channel this energy for the healing benefit of others. Regardless of distance, Reiki can have benefits such as increasing feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment and ease.

If you feel drawn to experience Reiki and book a distant Reiki healing session with me, please send me a request to

Lots of love,



DR aka ‘Mommy Tummy’